Help Desk

PQ Chromebook Help Desk

Problem: My chromebook is damaged.

Answer: Submit a Tech Ticket and drop device off with the school media coordinator who will issue a loaner device until repair is completed. Loaner device stays at school in the media center. 

Problem: I don't know my chromebook password.

Answer: Submit a Tech Ticket or see your teacher or school media coordinator.

Problem: A green box is asking for a user name to keep me safe on the internet.

Answer: Click here for the answer

Problem: My Google Classroom classes are not showing up.

Answer: Go to  - Search for dogs and click a link  -This will force the student to the filtering box. - Enter your child's whole email address in the user name box. If typed correctly, the screen will go through. It will not ask for a password if typed correctly. Go to - Classes will show up.

Problem: I need my child's iReady login 

Answer: Contact your child's teacher. Click here for school information

Problem: iReady will not open, I get an error message, internet browser not supported.

Answer: The Chromebook needs to run the update. Follow these instructions.

Problem: I need help connecting my hotspot.

Answer: Follow these instructions.

Problem: I don't see any of my problems

Answer: Click here to complete a help ticket.